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Riverland Vintners is a state of the art, contract processing facility with a crushing capacity of 30,000 tonnes and storage facilities for approximately 35 million litres of wine.

Riverland Vintners的酿酒厂拥有技术水平最高的加工设施 - 可每次碾碎3万吨葡萄,以及大容量储存设施 - 可储存约3500万公升葡萄酒。

Central to our activities is a well located, large and modern winery at Monash in the South Australian Riverland.     



Riverland Vintners Riverland 酿酒厂:

  • Processes your grapes

  • 替代处理葡萄

  • Blends wines to your price, quality and style requirements across many South Australian regions.

  • 跟据你的喜好调配出不同价格、质量和风格的葡萄酒

  • Blends wines for bulk shipment or bottling for the domestic and international markets.

  • 为澳洲本地和国际市场调配大量散装或瓶装葡萄酒

  • Supplies wines of ongoing consistent quality.

  • 提供品质始终如一的葡萄酒

  • Has a fully equipped laboratory and two private tasting rooms on-site.

  • 拥有一个设备齐全的实验室和两个私人品酒室

  • Encourages you to use your winemakers to prepare and supervise wines to your exact specifications if you wish.

  • 鼓励你使用你的酿酒师来准备并监督葡萄酒的规格

  • Will receive your wines from other sources, store, blend and prepare for shipment or bottling. 

  • 将接收来自其他来源的葡萄酒,储存、混合和准备装运或装瓶

  • Loads bulk wine into flexi tanks directly from the winery to ports in Melbourne or Adelaide

  • 将散装葡萄酒直接从酒厂运送到墨尔本或阿德莱德的港口

  • Is a fully certified Organic winery.

  • 是一个有全面认证规格的有机酒庄

  • Is HACCP accredited.

  • 质量管制得到HACCP认证


Riverland Vintners gives the South Australian Wine Group a unique ability to source, blend and prepare wine for shipment across a wide range of grape varieties, regions and styles.

Riverland Vintners的酿酒厂为本集团提供独特资源,特别是有广泛出产自不同区域的葡萄品种,来融合和准备装运葡萄酒。


South Australian Wine Group can assist with exportation of the wine to destinations globally.


​Few wineries have a comparable volume and range of wines across as many regions in one location.


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